The Crew

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    Protector. Named after Niko Bellic by a kid who couldn't spell. Equal parts engineer and psychologist, constant victim of wanderlust, and purveyor of cheap liquors. Likes silly hats, leather armor, and knives.

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    The good guy. Actually goes by his real name. Philsosopher, voice of reason, and filthy console peasant. Likes prog rock, British humor, and beefy five layer burritos.

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    Persecuted little. Named himself after the dictionary entry at a particularly bad spot in life. Curious and friendly once he warms up to you, or spastic when full of candy. Loves old B-movies with bad monster effects.

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    Freedom fighter. Named himself after a stupid biology joke, which he then went on to misspell. Weird dude, loudmouthed and outgoing. Loves biochemistry, electronics, and dancing around in his underwear to Korean popstars.

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    Warrior. Goes by her real name. Antisocial and almost entirely avoidant of everything. Likes taekwondo, icky health food, and conning people out of whatever she can get.

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    Macho man. Named after the Roman numerals for 12, being an important date in his life. Aggressively straight. Likes nightclubs, guns, being fancy, and old Louisiana blues.