Bestia daemons are for the most part, human. Or they were. According to Tavor, a long string of mutations has caused them to develop into werewolf-like beings with two forms. For a long time, bestia daemons lived in small family clans. A very simple way to imagine group dynamics is to picture a non-nomadic native American tribe. Since bestia daemons in their fur resemble cats, hostility toward canines is common and often severe. The blessing of having another form is also a curse in many ways. Bestia daemons are unlikely to have a complete biological family, as odds are high for mothers dying in childbirth, and higher for stillbirths. Siblings are less common than in humans. The shift is harsh for some, and many have a hard time controlling it. Some have even been known to become lost forever in it. Complete control without any damage to one's consciousness is rare as well. Keaira is one of these individuals. Nico less so, and Tavor least of all. For the most part, bestia daemons are composed of two mental parts: the human part, and the feline part. This makes being a median system common, and hereditary. What little knowledge we have of the bestia daemons' history and culture is given to us by Tavor, who was the only one with access to this information.